What is cryopen and What does it treat?

What is Cryopen Cambridge?

Cryopen is a revolutionary treatment that uses extreme cold to remove unwanted skin lesions, including warts, skin tags, and moles. It is a safe and effective alternative to traditional surgical methods and can be performed quickly and painlessly. In this article, we will discuss what Cryopen is, what it treats, and its many benefits.

Cryopen is a medical device that uses a precise jet of nitrous oxide to freeze and destroy unwanted skin lesions. It is a non-invasive procedure that can be performed in a matter of minutes and does not require any anesthesia or recovery time.


What Does Cryopen Treat Cambridge?

Cryopen can be used to treat a variety of skin lesions, including:

  1. Warts

Warts are small, rough growths that can appear on any part of the body. They are caused by a virus and can be unsightly and uncomfortable. Cryopen can be used to freeze and destroy the wart, causing it to fall off naturally.

  1. Skin Tags

Skin tags are small, soft growths that can appear on any part of the body. They are usually harmless but can be unsightly and uncomfortable. Cryopen can be used to freeze and destroy the skin tag, causing it to fall off naturally.

  1. Moles

Moles are dark spots or growths on the skin that can be either benign or malignant. Cryopen can be used to freeze and remove a mole, and the tissue can be sent for analysis to determine if it is cancerous.

  1. Age Spots

Age spots are flat, brown patches on the skin that are caused by sun damage. Cryopen can be used to freeze and remove the age spot, leaving behind healthy, rejuvenated skin.


Benefits of Cryopen Cambridge

  1. Non-Invasive

Cryopen is a non-invasive treatment that does not require any incisions or sutures. This means there is no risk of scarring or infection, and there is no need for any downtime or recovery.

  1. Quick and Painless

Cryopen can be performed quickly and painlessly in a matter of minutes. There is no need for any anesthesia or sedation, and most patients can return to their normal activities immediately after the procedure.

  1. Safe and Effective

Cryopen is a safe and effective treatment that has been used for many years to remove unwanted skin lesions. It is a popular alternative to traditional surgical methods and has a high success rate.


Cryopen is a safe and effective treatment that can be used to remove unwanted skin lesions, including warts, skin tags, moles, and age spots.

It is a non-invasive procedure that can be performed quickly and painlessly, with no downtime or recovery time.

If you are considering Cryopen or any other cosmetic treatment, it is important to speak with a healthcare professional first. For more information on Cryopen and its many benefits, visit LA LIPO Cambridge

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